Sunday, July 28, 2013


It is extremely more expensive to make your own enriched uranium for electric power and medicine than it is too simply buy it. This is all the proof you need that the Iranians are racing towards making a bomb.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


This, mainly, is why The New York Times cannot even fathom liberals being morally guilty of anything. They always intend the best, never mind that they pay very little attention to the likely outcome. In the end, outcomes just happen and we have nothing to do with them.

censored history books

Back to authoritarianism for a moment; you blame all authoritarianism on ‘leftists’ despite ‘nationalism’ normally being seen as a right wing trait. Are there no ‘right wing’ regimes? Are not the Mugabe or the Idi Amins (and many other African states) right wing dictators? If not, then I would like to know the definition of right wing as I clearly don’t understand it. (Serious question)

Not all tyrants are ideologically motivated.  In history most tyrants have been just tyrants.  But as far as it goes Mugabe is a redistributionist, which makes him Leftist.  Amin was just a brute.

from Dissecting Leftism Wednesday May 22, 2013 New Zealand time

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Will Rogers

Will Rogers

"Everything is changing. People are taking the comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke." -- Will Rogers


Colbert and Stewart

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My nuclear family strongly supports nuclear power.


quite a twist on words.