Friday, September 26, 2014

Sec. of State Kerry denies terrorism exists.

One day after Secretary of State John Kerry told a House Committee that ISIS is the ‘enemy of Islam’ he told an audience that people are killing each other all over the world because of a lack of water

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Grand Illusion in Syria

there might be a lesson here about how hard it is to conjure up reliable allies amid the chaos of the current Middle East. But if so, we seem determined not to learn it,

Female genital mutilation

there is truly a war on women going on that these same radical Democrats and defenders of “women’s rights” say nothing about.  We do not read even muted comments about this other war: namely, the application of female genital mutilation

No victory without extirpating terror sponsors.

A basic rule of war is not to permit one’s enemy safe harbor in which to retreat, regroup, resupply, and plan new attacks. That was our main handicap in the Vietnam War

The Progressives: Modern and Post Modern

Woodrow Wilson, the very model of the modern Progressive, utterly rejected the Founders’ self-evident truths and unalienable rights.  Wilson and the modern Progressives saw the Declaration and the Constitution as anachronisms that America needed to progress beyond. 

Defeating ISIS; Helping Iran

President Obama must be careful not to “degrade and destroy” ISIS in Iraq and Syria to the point of helping Iran and its axis of evil step into the vacuum that would be created and establish its own Islamic Shiite caliphate spreading from Lebanon through Syria and Iraq to Iran itself. 

What happened to global warming?

If the Earth hasn’t warmed for the last 18 years because the predicted heat is going into the oceans, then why is there 43% more ice in the last two years?


Talk to the average physician about trying to care for patients in the United States today, and you’ll hear exactly the same sorts of sentiments as those expressed by American soldiers faced with the task of “winning the war” in Vietnam some fifty years ago. 
Anita Sarkeesian had achieved what every unemployable grad student with a worthless degree dreamed of becoming. She is now a social justice icon.

The war with Hamas is not over.

The war with Hamas is not over. What we are experiencing today is a temporary cease-fire.

The most basic reason the war is not over is because Hamas has no existence outside its war against the Jewish state. Hamas exists to obliterate Israel.

blood libel

Arguably the UK’s most successful domestically produced export to Israel has been parliamentary democracy. Arguably its most successful domestically produced export to the Arab world has been the anti-Semitic blood libel, the claim that Jews use the blood of non-Jewish children to bake their Passover matzah or for other ritual purposes. What is curious is that there are so many in Britain for whom the latter “achievement” resonates more and finds expression in new domestic iterations of this hoary, murderous British creation.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

An ISIS Nest Grows in Boston | FrontPage Magazine

federal government is targeting Boston and two other American cities to shut down what they are calling the U.S.-Jihad pipeline to ISIS in an attempt to stop Americans from joining the terrorist organization." Boston apparently made this elite list because

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Scottish Fascists showed true Fascist form

The Scottish Fascists showed true Fascist form

Nationalism plus socialism is the formula for Fascism and the Scottish National Party embodies  both of those.  And the behaviour of many of their supporters recently was much like that of the supporters of Hitler and Mussolini. If you doubt that, read on for Sept. 22,2014

Terror at the border

A Democratic congressman tried to use the might of the federal government to crush an investigation into reports that an Islamic terrorist group is using the Mexican border town of Ciudad Juarez as a base for launching an attack on the U.S. 

Jihadist brags about drinking human blood.