Saturday, September 24, 2016

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Dissecting Leftism

Great article on racism. Dissecting Leftism dated September 16, 2016. Yes, Australian calendar.

Lyle Cohen
Exec. VP

MAGID | Safety at work(TM)
1300 Naperville Drive | Romeoville, IL 60446-1043

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Dissecting Leftism

Interesting articles about jihad, The Left and more

Lyle Cohen
Exec. VP
MAGID | Safety at work™
1300 Naperville Drive | Romeoville, IL 60446-1043

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Dissecting Leftism

Interesting articles about jihad, The Left and more

Dissecting Leftism

Interesting articles about jihad, The Left and more

Lyle Cohen
Exec. VP

MAGID | Safety at work(TM)
1300 Naperville Drive | Romeoville, IL 60446-1043

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Racism as a convenient but flawed index of evi

 from Dissecting Leftism June 17, 2016

Racism as a convenient but flawed index of evil

Leftists are so suffused by hatred that serious thought is mostly beyond them.  So their doctrines and claims are usually extremely simplistic.  A prime example of that is the way they use cries of racism to answer any argument that is put up against them

And in so doing they make any discussion of race virtually impossible.  And yet the importance of race is as clear as crystal.  A major example of that is the fact that African Americans commit crimes of violence at a rate 9 times higher  than whites.  So the idea that there is only one race, the human race is only trivially true.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Washington’s despotic lawlessness

Washington is out of control. Legislators, judges and unelected bureaucrats want to control our lives, livelihoods and living standards, with no accountability even for major errors, calculated deception, or deliberate, often illegal assaults on our liberties and on citizens who resist the advancing Leviathan.   March 22, 2016

From dissecting leftism blog from Australia. The date is correct. 

Thursday, March 17, 2016


Human memory may be unlike anything we have thus far imagined or successfully built a model for. And consciousness may be the reason why.
From Brain Pickings March 17, 2016

Who is BRack Obama?

Who is Obama really? From Dissecting Leftism March 18, 2016
The email below has been doing the rounds since 2010 and surely has some interest.  It is curious that Snopes has addressed only one part of it:  Whether Obama did attend Columbia in his student days.  He clearly did.  Even one of my correspondents remembers him.  But there are many other points below.  We may get the answer when there is a President Trump

In a country where  we take notice of many, many facets of our  public figures' lives,  doesn't seem odd that there's so little we know  about our current  president, Barack Obama.

For example, we  know that Andrew Jackson 's wife smoked a corn cob pipe and was accused of adultery; Abe Lincoln never  went to school; Jack Kennedy wore a back brace; Harry  Truman played the piano.

As Americans, we  enjoy knowing details about our newsmakers, but none of us know one single humanizing fact about the  history of our own president.
We are all aware  of the lack of uncontestable birth records for  Obama; that document  managing has been spectacularly  successful.
There are however,  several additional oddities in Obama's history  that appear to be as  well managed as the birthing issue. There have been two Obama birth certificates produced and each is different and neither was produced by Obama.  Thereby keeping him clear of any later illegalities.   

One other  interesting thing...    There are no birth certificates of his daughters that can be found  ?
It's interesting  that no one who ever dated him has shown up.  The charisma that  caused women to be drawn to him so strongly during  his campaign,  certainly would in the normal course of events,   lead  some lady to come forward,  if only to garner some attention for herself.    We  all know about JFK's  magnetism, that McCain was no monk and quite a  few details about  Palin's courtship and even her athletic prowess,   Joe Biden's aneurisms  are no secret;  look at Cheney and Clinton, we all  know about their heart  problems. Certainly Wild Bill Clinton's  exploits before and during  his White House years, were well known.  That's  why it's so odd that  not one lady has stepped up and said, "He was  soooo shy..." or "What a  great dancer..."
It's virtually  impossible to know anything about this  fellow.
Who was the best  man at his wedding?      Start there.  Then check  groomsmen.
Then get the  footage of the graduation ceremony.     Has anyone talked  to the professors?   It  is odd that no one is bragging that they knew him or taught him or  lived with him.
When did he meet  Michele, and how?        Are there photos there?  Every president gives to  the public all their photos, etc. for their  library,  etc.    What has he  released?      And who in hell voted for him to be the  most popular man in  2010?        Doesn't this make you wonder?
Ever wonder why no  one ever came forward from President Obama's  past saying they knew  him, attended school with him, was his friend,  etc??

Not one person has  ever come forward from his past.  It certainly is  very, very strange...
This should be a  cause for great concern.    To those who voted for  him, you may have  elected an unqualified, inexperienced shadow man
As insignificant  as each of us might be, someone with whom we went  to school will  remember our name or face; someone will remember we  were the clown or the dork  or the brain or the quiet one or the bully or  something about  us.

George  Stephanopoulos of ABC News said the same thing during  the 2008 campaign.        He  questions why no one has acknowledged the president  was in their classroom or  ate in the same cafeteria or made impromptu  speeches on campus.    Stephanopoulos also was a classmate of Obama at  Columbia -- the class of 1984.  He says he never had a single class with  him.       
He is such a great  orator; why doesn't anyone in Obama's college  class remember him? Why  won't he allow Columbia to release his  records?
Nobody remembers  Obama at Columbia   University ...
Looking for  evidence of Obama's past,    Fox News contacted 400  Columbia University   students from the period when Obama claims to have  been there... but none  remembered him.       
Wayne Allyn Root  was, like Obama, a political science major at  Columbia who also graduated  in 1983.       In 2008, Root says of Obama, "I don't know  a   single person at  Columbia that knew him, and they all know me. I  don't have a classmate  who ever knew Barack Obama at Columbia ,  ever."
Nobody recalls  him. Root adds that he was also, like Obama, Class of  '83 Political Science,  and says, "You don't get more exact or closer  than that. Never met  him in my life, don't know anyone who ever met him.     At   the class reunion,  our 20th reunion five years ago, who was asked to  be the speaker of the  class?      Me.     No one ever heard of Barack!     And  five  years ago, nobody  even knew who he was. The guy who writes the  class   notes, who's kind  of the, as we say in New   York, 'the  macha' who knows everybody, has yet  to find a person, a human who ever met  him."
Obama's photograph  does not appear in the school's yearbook   and  Obama consistently  declines requests to talk about his years at Columbia, provide school  records, or provide the name of any former classmates  or friends while at  Columbia .

Some other  interesting questions:
Why was Obama's  law license inactivated in 2002?  It is said there  is no record of him ever taking the Bar  exam.
Why was Michelle's  law license inactivated by court order?  We understand that  was forced to avoid fraud charges.
The Social  Security number he uses now originated in Connecticut   where he is  reported  to have never lived.     And was originally registered to  another man    (Thomas Louis  Wood) from Connecticut , who died in Hawaii while on  vacation there.   As we all know  Social Security Numbers are only issued 'once, they  are not reused'

No wonder all his  records are sealed...       
 Somewhere, someone had  to know him in  school ... before he   reorganized   Chicago & burst  upon the Scene at the 2004 Democratic  Convention.

Clint Eastwood     said his Republican National Convention speech achieved exactly what he wanted it to. He then proceeded to label President Barack Obama a "hoax."...."President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people,"

The larger question is, who orchestrated this hoax?   There has to be a sizable organization behind this.  Bill Ayers?

The World View of President obama

The World View of President Barack Hussein Obama

The 22,000 word Atlantic article was apparently originally intended to be more idolatrous praise of President Obama's foreign policy views, but it turned out to unintentionally expose a great deal of ignorance, balanced by arrogance and contemptuousness.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Bernie Sanders likes windmills. The people don't.

go to for the story.

Bernie Sanders is for windmills to generate electricity. The people of Vermont are against it.

Friday, January 29, 2016

climate change fraud

300 Scientists write a letter to Congress accusing NOAA of climate change fraud.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Nearly a third (31 percent) of likely GOP caucus goers say they could change their vote before Monday, according to a fresh survey from Public Policy Polling.

Chelsa failed as a fund raiser for her mom,. Hillary.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

how to lose weight from Aeon Magazine

At the end of all my self-observations and meditations, the time had come to put the theory to a test. I tried a simple formula. First, moderately low-carb. The Atkins and Paleo diet purists would scoff. I reduced my carbohydrate intake by about 90 per cent and in doing so came nowhere near a low-carb diet. I wanted to avoid the super-high death-carb diet that most of us eat most of the time. Second, a little higher fat. I know some people swear by high fat and snack on entire sticks of butter. I don’t know what the research is on that kind of thing, but all I wanted was to avoid the extremity of a diet stripped of fat. Third, I could eat as much as I like at each meal. That last proposition was the hardest. When you want to lose weight, it’s hard to wrap your mind around the concept of eating more. I simply had to trust a bizarre psychological twist: if I try to eat less, I’ll end up eating more.
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The hunger mood

Hunger isn’t in your stomach or your blood-sugar levels. It’s in your mind – and that’s where we need to shape up

by Michael Graziano

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Paul Rehder

Drove my wife to the beauty parlor, Paul Rehder Salon in Winnetka. What an amazing and beautiful place.