Friday, January 29, 2016

climate change fraud

300 Scientists write a letter to Congress accusing NOAA of climate change fraud.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Nearly a third (31 percent) of likely GOP caucus goers say they could change their vote before Monday, according to a fresh survey from Public Policy Polling.

Chelsa failed as a fund raiser for her mom,. Hillary.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

how to lose weight from Aeon Magazine

At the end of all my self-observations and meditations, the time had come to put the theory to a test. I tried a simple formula. First, moderately low-carb. The Atkins and Paleo diet purists would scoff. I reduced my carbohydrate intake by about 90 per cent and in doing so came nowhere near a low-carb diet. I wanted to avoid the super-high death-carb diet that most of us eat most of the time. Second, a little higher fat. I know some people swear by high fat and snack on entire sticks of butter. I don’t know what the research is on that kind of thing, but all I wanted was to avoid the extremity of a diet stripped of fat. Third, I could eat as much as I like at each meal. That last proposition was the hardest. When you want to lose weight, it’s hard to wrap your mind around the concept of eating more. I simply had to trust a bizarre psychological twist: if I try to eat less, I’ll end up eating more.
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The hunger mood

Hunger isn’t in your stomach or your blood-sugar levels. It’s in your mind – and that’s where we need to shape up

by Michael Graziano

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Paul Rehder

Drove my wife to the beauty parlor, Paul Rehder Salon in Winnetka. What an amazing and beautiful place.