Thursday, August 30, 2007

I understand more and more why people are the way they are. It makes me despair that the human condition will ever improve. The people who lead, all to often, are the ones who are the most mixed up and only care about power and nothing else. They especially don't care about who their polices, beliefs, actions hurt. They just care about their thoughts; their vision.

Right now it is popular to attack religion, especially Christianity, as a source of human suffering. The people who attack religion ignore the fact that the biggest mass murderers of recent times were either atheists, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, or a pagan, Hitler. Yes, Hitler many times said he was a pagan.

Mark Twain wrote something like, 90% of the people just want to be left alone and live their lives and that 10% of the people are the real activists who drive events. The late President of Egypt, Anwar Sadat took that idea one step further and wrote that as long as the 90% of the people in the center support the government, the 5% of the crazies on the right and the 5% or the crazies on the left can't overthrow it.

He was right. The only mistake he made was that he underestimated the level of violence the extremists were willing to use. That error cost him his life when they assassinated him, but the crazies did not succeed in overthrowing the Egyptian government.

My point is that there will always be crazies to the left and crazies to the right and we will never achieve heaven on earth.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Glaciers are melting

I met my son’s future in-laws last night. We got along, but during dinner, the subject of global warming came up. I said man-made global warming was nonsense. My son’s future father-in-law said glaciers are melting.

So what if glaciers are melting? I live near lake Michigan. A very big glacier dug out lake Michigan. Four other big glaciers dug out the other great lakes. Where are the glaciers? Where did they go?

They MELTED! So what? Glaciers melt. Glaciers grow. Glaciers flow downhill. Glaciers have been advancing and receding for millions of years.


Stem Cell Research Lies

There are four types of stem cell research that I know of.

The first is adult stem cell research. It works. It has helped cure many peoople’s health problems. It has a promsing future. Lots of private money is pouring into this type of research.

The second is umbilical cord stem cell research. It works. It has cured some people. It has a promising future. Lots of private money is pouring into this type of research.

The third and newest is amniotic fluid stem cell research. It is too new to have cured any diseases yet, but it has a promising future. Lots of private money is going into this type or research.

The fourth is embryonic stem cell research. It hasn’t cured anything yet. Politicians promote it. They say things like, ” It might have cured Christopher Reeve (An actor who played Superman. “Don’t you want Superman to walk again?”). A great deal of politically motivated tax dollars are being spent on it. Proponents of this type of research only care about beating up President Bush. No private money is going inoto this type of stem cell research, because it won’t work.

The minimum wage

Here we go again. The Democrats are demonizing the Republicans for not raising the minumum wage.

Raising the minimum wage is terrible for the economy and for poor people.

First of all, when you raise the minimum wage, many people lose their jobs. They lose their jobs becasue employers automate the jobs out of existence or move the business overseas.

Second, when you raise the minimum wage everyone else gets a raise. This is what Democrats really care about.

Friday, August 3, 2007


I take Lexapro. It was prescribed for me by my internist. I was on the verge of getting inflammatory bowel disease because of all the stress in my life, especially my wife’s serious health problems and a 6′ 2″ tall 20 year old son who is difficult. The Lexapro works.

It has settled my digestive system and it is on the mend.

I go to a website called to look at the forums it has about Lexapro and other drugs. What confuses me is that so many people are on multiple psychotropic medications. Or they are serial users, going from one to another. Why are so many people on so many drugs?

As soon as my wife’s health problems are over and my digestive system heals I plan to get off of Lexapro.

Why do so many people need so many drugs? Alcohol is a non-prescription drug. So is nicotine. Even caffeine is a drug.

I watched a movie called “Thank you for smoking.” It was about the cigarette industry.

I’m sure there are a lot of people who would like to ban cigarettes the way we had alcohol prohibition in the USA.

What would happen if alcohol, nicotine and caffeine were banned? Would more people be on more prescription drugs?

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