Thursday, November 2, 2017


I am an enthusiastic and dedicated journal writer. My personal journals have lead to deep understanding of myself. It took many years, but it was worth it. I now understand why I did  the things I did in the past and why I do the things I do now.

Here is an excerpt from an article on journal writing from the University of Iowa. It's conclusion confirms what I have been doing naturally.

It's not just what you write about though. How you write plays a role as well. This University of Iowa study showed that journaling about stressful events helped participants deal with the events they experienced. The key, however, was to focus on what you were thinking and feeling as opposed to your emotions alone. In short, you get the best benefits of journaling when you're telling your personal story, not just writing about your feelings on their own. It's a great example of how telling your own personal story can make a huge difference in your well being.

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